Thursday 5 April 2012

Part VII: Exploring the Schloss

We moved from the first building across a narrow stone bridge to the next. A hundred or so feet below thundered a huge waterfall, that plummeted into the gorge that the castle was built on.

The next building was a single roomed structure that seemed to have suffered from an explosion. One wall was partially missing and was being supported by wooden scaffolding. The rest of the room was in complete dissarray. As we poked through the rubble and debris, three strange looking creatures emerged - rust monsters. They had sensed Ichabod in his shining armour, and were making a bee-line for him. Skalif conjured up a magical wall that caused two of the creatures to stop and be sick, while Ferdibrand summoned a golden dog-like creature from the planes of good to take them on.

The only route from this building was a rickety looking rope bridge that attached to a large building on the other side of the gorge. There was once a graceful stone arch that connected the two buildings, but the explosion had caused the bridge to collapse.
Grimbledon carefully made his way across the swaying bridge first. But as he reached the half way point, there was a puff of smoke and a smell of sulphur, and a woman with blackened wings appeared in the sky, armed with a fiery bow. She began to shoot arrows at Grimbledon, who began to quickly but carefully make his way across to the other side of the bridge.
After a spell from Skalif, Ichabod took to the air and flew up to meet the devil head on. Ferdibrand summoned a giant, shining bat that also engaged the creature in mid air.
During the battle, Skalif had an idea. He cast a spell at the winged woman. At once, the spell took effect and the woman became drowsy, then fell asleep. Her wings folded up and she fell out of the sky, plummeting into the churning water hundreds of feet below.

The building on the other side of the bridge seemed to be a museum. There were rooms with preserved creatures, each with a different theme. One room was dedicated to air creatures, another to beasts of the sea.
We entered a room that had two ornate sarcophagi in it. The halfling, ever curious, decided to open one. He found it empty. He also found that his hands were stuck to the lid. We then watched in horror as the sarcophagus grew arms and began to attack. Our weapons were sticking to the creature as we attacked. And to make matters worse, as we fought, the other sarcophagus opened, revealing a mummy that shambled towards us!
However, the paladin and the cleric were able to despatch the mummy, and the rest of us killed the mimic that was posing as the other sarcophagus.
But there was no time for rest. No sooner were they defeated than the sound of something large coming up the nearby staircase was heard. Emerging from the top was a large golem. But it had no eyes. Instead, chained to it, were six little winged creatures that seemed to be leading it.

We quickly began to pick off the little creatures. As the last one died, the creature stood motionless. It was now just another exhibit in the strange museum.

But there was still no sign of normal life anywhere. Where was the Count that lived in the castle? We had a few more buildings to explore. And it would be there that we would find the answers to what was going on...

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