Monday 7 May 2012

Part VIII: Rescuing the Count

We continued our exploration of the castle. We entered a series of interconnected towers that were partially flooded. It seemed as if someone wanted to stop us continuing, as all access to the upper levels had been severed. Fortunately, our dwarf cleric is a master with stone, and managed to shape a staircase for us so we could reach the top floor.

From the top floor we crossed a slender bridge to the final tower. Shining in the sun was a large lightning rod protruding from the roof.

As we entered, we were met by a huge, slavering beast, stitched together from pieces of animals. It packed quite a punch, and despite the fighting skills of our paladins, and an unusual display of Skalif's sword-wielding moustache, it would not die. Ellavorn then had an idea and took out a Harrow card that she had and threw it to the floor. With a command, she told the creature to flee. The beast fled through the door, and in a mad panic, fell over the edge of the bridge into the waters below.

We explored the tower and found notes and diagrams talking about a machine that could be used to summon and control The Beast of Lepidstadt. So that's what the Whispering Way were doing here. They had used the device to make the Beast steal the Seasage Effigy from the Lepidstadt University.

Suddenly, a small imp-like creature appeared and told us that Count Caromarc was being held prisoner upstairs by an enormous, ravenous beast.
Cautiously we moved upstairs. We found the Count imprisoned inside some sort of iron maiden device. And guarding him was an enormous creature - part human, part spider, part scorpion. We knew it would be too strong for us to take on, so we had only one choice - get to the roof and summon The Beast.

Skalif flew out of the window and up onto the roof. There he manipulated the machine, causing a storm to break over the tower. As the storm raged, Skalif said "I can sense him inside my head. He's coming."

A short while later, the door crashed open, and The Beast stood with us. Furiously he charged at the creature, and an immense battle began. We aided The Beast as best we could, and soon the creature lay dead.

We rescued the Count, who thanked us for bringing his "son" home to him. He also told us that the Whispering Way were headed into the Shudderwood and a place called Ascanor Lodge.

We left the castle and continued following the trail of the Whispering Way once more.

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