Saturday 25 February 2012

Part II:Entering Harrowstone Prison

As the strange events continued around Ravengro, the population grow more and more frightened and concerned. A meeting was set up in the Town Hall to discuss the problems and what could be done about them.

The Town Hall was packed. Almost all of the townsfolk were there. Councilman Hearthmount quitened the crowd, and then began to speak. Suddenly, several of the torches adorning the walls roared into life, sending sparks of fire across the hall. The building was on fire!

The assembled crowd panicked. Everyone tried to leave the hall as the flames spread. Skalif, our witch, tried frantically to control them, getting them to move in an orderly fashion, and exit the building quicker. The rest of starting battling the fires. The halfling cleric, Ferdibrand, brought his Create Water spell to great use.

There was suddenly a shattering of glass as the two windows at the back of the hall exploded inward, and through them floated two flaming skulls, which began to attack the terrified councilmen on the stage. Fortunately our two paladins, Ichabod and Ellavorn, were ready. Ichabod leapt up onto the stage and took out out one them with his greatsword, while Ellavorn raised her firearm and blasted the other to pieces. (Ellavorn later told me that the weapon was called a pistol, and was made in the magic-dead city of Alkenstar, way to the south).

Once the townsfolk had all left the building and the fires were put out, the councilmen approached us and begged us for help. Everything seemed to be connected to the old prison up on the hill, so it was time for us to visit Harrowstone and find out what was going on.

Harrowstone Prison was a grand building on top of a nearby hill. The fire that ravaged it 75 years ago had takens its toll on the structure, though, casuing the eastern side to collapse. A sinkhole had formed and filled with dark, murky water, which flowed into the eastern half of the building.

Scouting round the outskirts of the building, Skalif noticed that the building's foundations were completely inscribed with strange, magical runes, which, he said, were used for capture and imprisonment.

Carefully we stepped inside. The horrors of the catastrophic events that happened there had manifested as haunting visions. We glimpsed ghostly prisoners who were ablaze and screaming. A large furnace, used to burn prisoners alive, belched into life, spewing flames at everyone. And in the infirmary, a skeletal ghostly apparition arose, which hurled old scalpels and other sharp objects at us.

Why was the haunted prison affecting the nearby townsfolk? We were about to find out...


  1. I'm so sorry about all the spelling mistakes. That's what I get for not proof reading this before publishing it!

  2. there'll never be as many spelling mistakes as there are in my stories :D Great transcribe Darren, makes us sound uber heroic :)

  3. there'll never be as many spelling mistakes as there are in my stories :D Great transcribe Darren, makes us sound uber heroic :)
